28 October 2010

Step Two...Skin

So your skin...this is a toughie, and I feel is something that involves a lot of trial and error.  A soap, moisturizer, or mask that works for one person's face could be disastrous if used on someone else's.  I tend to follow the gentler-is-better mindset.  I believe that no matter what you are using, consistency is a key.  We all have those nights where we doze off on the couch with a full face of make-up on, where the last thing you want to do when dragging yourself to your bed in the middle of the night is stop off at the bathroom for your nightly skin routine.  But, you have to be a trooper...you will be thankful in the morning when you skin has had a chance to breathe rather than get angry at you for the abuse. 

I do not like to use anything harsh, and luckily my skin seems to be OK with mild soaps and lotions.  If I had to recommend a soap for everyone, I would suggest Yardley Oatmeal Almond Soap...it's gentle, and smells great.  It has just the right amount of moisture, and just the right fragrance.  Truth be told, I am a huge Yardley fan, and adore all their soaps.

Yardley Oatmeal & Almond with Natural Oats Bar Soap 4.25 oz

Beyond washing with gentle soap, I keep the facial routine to a minimum.  I only use an astringent when absolutely necessary, and the same holds true for masks and exfoliating products ( I swear by St. Ives Apricot Scrub - it's all I use ).  I moisturize everyday with Olay Complete, which has sunscreen, a necessity so I don't get wrinkles one day ( fingers crossed ). 

Its funny...I truly feel radiant after washing and moisturizing every morning, and usually don't put make-up of for as least several hours.  With skin...just pay attention.  You will know your body's response to something better than anyone else.  If it isn't working, pitch it.  If it is, no need to change!  It should be mindless, because after all, you have plenty of other things to worry about without worrying about the soaps you use!

Step One...Hands

As promised, I am posting about my opinion of how to keep it chic all the time.  Step one...your hands.  I read an article in which the author found hands most intriguing because they move during talking.  It surprised me, but it is true. 

So on to perfect hands...step one, keep them clean.  This is self explanatory.  Go the the dollar store and stock up on nail brushes, which by my measure are every bit as good as they ones you find in beauty departments and alot less money!  I can't believe the number of people I encounter in public with dirty grubby fingers...gross!

Bag BalmOK, step two...keep them soft.  This is always a challenge for me...I live in Michigan, which means from late October until April we all walk around in dry, grey weather.  The winter air is most often dry here, even before you get into the issue of furnaces and heaters blower even dryer air.  It is a constant battle.  Any lotion is better than no lotion...but for hands especially, you need something above and beyond.  Each night, I slather my hands with Bag Balm.  www.bagbalm.com - check them out!

I first tried this for two reasons.  One, it was being sold in a hardware store, and it is my experience while women will fall prey to tutti-frutti lotions, men are much more no-nonsense about these sorts of things.  Dry hands need moisture, and men don't want something that won't do the job.  Secondly, as a woman, it did appeal to me because of the wonderfully cute tin it comes in, which looks so cute sitting on my sink.  Again, wasted on most men shopping at the local hardware, but to me, cute is to be appreciated.  Needless, to say, this stuff does not disappoint!

Step three...keep the nails, however long or short they may be, shaped, hang-nail free, and (hopefully) painted.  I know plenty of women who claim they don't have time to keep their nails.  I don't accept this for one moment.  You can file your nails in a matter of 5 minutes while stopped at a light on the way to work.  You can do your nails while you watch TV, which everyone does everyday.  The key is to keeping your nails tidy.  If your lifestyle isn't conducive to long nails, don't try to grow them...they will just end up looking ratty, which is exactly what you don't want.  If you have the time to paint them ( which I believe you have the time if you want the time ) don't skimp.  Don't waste money on every nail color that comes down the line.  My rule of thumb is find a color that looks good with your skin tone that you know you will get the most use out of, and by a good version of it.  Sorry, but the $.99 cheapie nail polish...lets just say you get what you pay for.  I have tried almost every nail polish brand out there, and I still come back to the same two brands : OPI and Orly.  They are the best...the end.  A little more money, but well worth it.  I prefer OPI for color since they have an incredible range, and you can actually use their website ( www.OPI.com ) to do a virtual test run.  I swear by, swear by Orly Nail Defense and Bonder.  Nail Defense is great for anyone with natural nails, which I have.  Their Bonder is an amazing base coat that helps bond the polish so it doesn't chip, but I also feel it almost eliminates the staining problem that comes with dark polish colors.

So, you have clean, soft hands that hopefully have nice polish color...one final detail.  Make sure your jewelry is clean.  If you wear a wedding, engagement, or similar ring, a little cleaning will do wonders, and some stores will even do it for free!

20 October 2010

New Idea - How to Look (Mostly) Great...ALWAYS!

Ok, so I didn't really make any posts about affordable items, however, I did wear only ONLY affordable items for a week!  I just run into an impasse, as I have no one to photograph me.  Pathetic, I know.  I will really have to work on that.  I guess the best way to start an image blog ( which obviously concentrates on beauty and fashion with the occasional broader-spectrum post ) should start with my feelings on the subject. 

So here goes...the things that make someone most attractive to others have nothing ( really ) to do with fashion and the clothing they wear.  Ok, so that is another fib.  It does have to do with clothing, but only as a small piece in a much larger puzzle.  There is much more that goes into it.

Imagine standing in line at the pharmacy...the woman in front of you clearly didn't have time to get herself together in the midst of her raging cold.  Yet, if something, anything about said woman is noticeable in a positive way other than the pocket tissues that have now become her lifeline, she must be a woman after my own heart.  Perhaps great hair color, a fab manicure, or a nice bag. 

Now, here's the point of this illustration.  If you take care of yourself and your body all the time, this will be ever so helpful when you woke up late, aren't feeling 100%, or are swamped at work.  It sounds ridiculous, but I swear by drinking enough water, ( trying to but not always ) getting enough exercise, keeping a regular facial and body moisturizing routine, and making sure my nails and hands look presentable at all times.  These are some of the BEST things you can do for yourself, and cost very little in terms of time or money. 

Jessica Biel casual

I have searched for a picture that embodies what I am talking about.  I imagine myself sick and at that pharmacy, and have fully concluded this is something like I would look like...maybe less the puppy and one of those bags.  Notice how awesome Jessica Biel still looks sans the red carpet make-up and hair, etc.  In SWEATPANTS.  But, I truly believe she has great skin, looks healthy, and still manages despite wearing her best couch-potato duds, looks put together.

So, I can commit to this, as it doesn't require a photographer.  The next several posts will be about looking your best in the ways I just mentioned.

04 October 2010

Affordable Fashion...really?!

Needless to say, I get alot of fashion magazines, and read alot of blogs, follow a couple I really like, and spend hours I should be working looking at street style photos, lookbook.nu, chictopia.com, etc.  And unlike some less devoted readers views, I actually ALWAYS read all the info that goes with the posts and articles to see what make the look, and where these pieces come from. 

Here's the thing..."fashion" is all about the designer and the construction, about each individual piece.  This is why I honestly believe sometimes designer's collections aren't cohesive, but are filled with beautiful, individual pieces.  Fashion is about an item, the "it" of the season.  It's about the placement of a zipper, or the finish on a button, the asymmetry of a hemline.  The details change constantly, sometimes subtlety, and true devotees will notice.  This happens just like seeing something new in the eyes of a long-time lover, allowing you to fall in love over and over again.  I adore this about fashion...the details are what allow it to keep evolving, and what keep it interesting.  And though I truly love it - don't get me wrong - fashion is different than image, than an overall look.  Your image, that look that makes you you, is something else, something larger.  Image isn't about the latest collection, a certain designer, or that one perfect piece.  If I had to put it a way, I would say "fashion" is the trees, but image is the "forest".  Everyone knows if you "can't see the forest for the trees" you have to seriously reevaluate. 

The idea here is that fashion can be limiting...if you don't have the money or that perfect piece, you may not be on the cutting edge of fashion.  So what?  Because the truth it, your image is about the overall look you generate, not when you purchased your clothing.  I am always surprised at what is sometimes considered "affordable fashion" by bloggers, writers, magazine editors, taste makers, and the like.  I am going to be making several posts, all of which will tell exactly what I am wearing, from where and how much it cost.  I think it will be surprising.  You will just have to excuse my lack of a photographer...