20 October 2010

New Idea - How to Look (Mostly) Great...ALWAYS!

Ok, so I didn't really make any posts about affordable items, however, I did wear only ONLY affordable items for a week!  I just run into an impasse, as I have no one to photograph me.  Pathetic, I know.  I will really have to work on that.  I guess the best way to start an image blog ( which obviously concentrates on beauty and fashion with the occasional broader-spectrum post ) should start with my feelings on the subject. 

So here goes...the things that make someone most attractive to others have nothing ( really ) to do with fashion and the clothing they wear.  Ok, so that is another fib.  It does have to do with clothing, but only as a small piece in a much larger puzzle.  There is much more that goes into it.

Imagine standing in line at the pharmacy...the woman in front of you clearly didn't have time to get herself together in the midst of her raging cold.  Yet, if something, anything about said woman is noticeable in a positive way other than the pocket tissues that have now become her lifeline, she must be a woman after my own heart.  Perhaps great hair color, a fab manicure, or a nice bag. 

Now, here's the point of this illustration.  If you take care of yourself and your body all the time, this will be ever so helpful when you woke up late, aren't feeling 100%, or are swamped at work.  It sounds ridiculous, but I swear by drinking enough water, ( trying to but not always ) getting enough exercise, keeping a regular facial and body moisturizing routine, and making sure my nails and hands look presentable at all times.  These are some of the BEST things you can do for yourself, and cost very little in terms of time or money. 

Jessica Biel casual

I have searched for a picture that embodies what I am talking about.  I imagine myself sick and at that pharmacy, and have fully concluded this is something like I would look like...maybe less the puppy and one of those bags.  Notice how awesome Jessica Biel still looks sans the red carpet make-up and hair, etc.  In SWEATPANTS.  But, I truly believe she has great skin, looks healthy, and still manages despite wearing her best couch-potato duds, looks put together.

So, I can commit to this, as it doesn't require a photographer.  The next several posts will be about looking your best in the ways I just mentioned.

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